Practice Information | Clare Abbey

Here is important and useful information you might need about Saffron & Blue Medical Clinic

GP Visit Card Over 70s

From 5th August 2015 everyone aged 70 or over, ordinarily resident in Ireland, will be eligible for free GP care regardless of income.
All people aged 70 or over who do not have a Medical Card or GP Visit card can register to access this service. Register online at or download the regisration form.

Once you complete the registration process, details are sent to your GP of choice who must confirm that they have accepted you onto their patient panel. Once the GP of choice has confirmed acceptance of your registration, a GP Visit Card will be issued to you within a few days.

Your eligibility will not begin until you receive confirmation that your GP of choice has confirmed that he/she has accepted you onto their patient panel. To avail of the scheme you should bring your GP Visit Card with you when you visit the GP surgery.  Help is available with the registration process, contact LoCall 1890 252919 (Monday-Friday) 8:00am-8:00pm.

Under  8’s Medical Care

Parents must register their child and have a valid medical card number for their child to avail of the Under 8’s medical care service.  This service includes routine consultations during surgery hours and out of hours. It does not cover health screening check-ups or administrative services such as certificates for travel, sport or school.

Special services will also be provided for the measurement and monitoring of height and weight and the improvement of asthma care in affected children.  The doctor/nurse will contact you about these services.  It is not necessary for parents/guardians to make appointments with the nurse or GP for these until invited.   For further information visit


Surgery Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon / 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon (closed Thursday afternoon)

Please note that while we close daily from 12:00 noon – 2.00 p.m.   A doctor is available to take any emergency calls between these times.

When making an appointment please let the receptionist know if it is an emergency/urgent or if you have serious concern about your health.   This will enable us to manage your call appropriately.  You do not have to disclose this information to the receptionist but you may be asked to speak with one of our doctors or nurses.


Outside Surgery Hours  – Shannondoc

Weekdays:  6:00p.m.-9:00am

Weekends:  Friday 6:00p.m.-Monday 9:00a.m.

If you have an urgent medical problem outside of surgery hours, please phone Shannondoc 0818 123500.


Closed Bank Holidays



Test Results

Your results will be proceeded through our standard review sequence.

  • abnormal results are reviewed daily by our duty Doctor.
  • should a result require immediate action we will be in contact with you (please ensure your contact details are up-to-date)
  • should you require a follow-up consultation we will advise you
  • should your results be normal or require no action, you will not hear from us
  • if two weeks has elapsed and you wish to know your results please phone the surgery 065 6829719 (select option 2) and leave your name/date of birth and contact telephone number when prompted to do so.
  • The entire blood samples taken will not be reviewed in full until all results are available, so your treating Doctor has the full picture.
  • Your Doctor will advise you if and when further/repeat tests are required.

Thank you for your co-operation as we strive to provide the highest quality of care for you.


Please note: 

Results of common blood tests and x-rays, which have been arranged by us, are usually back within 7-9 working days, sometimes it may take longer.

Cervical smear results provided via the National Cervical Screening Programme take 4-6 weeks. These results are sent by post directly to the woman.   Tests results for other services (e.g. hospital clinics) are sent directly to the requesting doctor.

Repeat Prescriptions

All repeat prescription requests are dealt with on a 48 hour notice basis. Patients may telephone or call in to reception and request their prescription. Requests will be sent directly to the relevant patient’s GP who will review the patient file and provide a new prescription where appropriate.  Prescriptions are sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice.

Whilst all prescriptions require 48 hour notice we will endeavour to give priority to prescription request for urgent or hospital prescribed medications.  Please ensure you order your repeat prescription well in advance of running out of your medication to ensure treatment is continuous.

Patients taking medications are reviewed regularly.  You may be requested to attend your GP when your medication or condition needs to be reviewed.  In such instances the prescription will be deferred until this consultation has taken place.


Urgent Appointments

At Saffron & Blue Medical Clinic we provide a same day appointment for urgent problems for our registered patients.   To arrange an appointment for an urgent problem, contact reception and state that your problem is urgent.  You can contact reception by phone 065 6829719 or call in person.

To help us in scheduling appointments you will be asked for some information about the problem.  You do not have to disclose this information to the receptionist but you may be asked to speak with one of our doctors or nurses.  This is to help us determine how urgent the problem is and arrange an appropriate appointment

Please Note:  We do not offer a choice of doctor for urgent appointment requests.  The doctor will not be able to address other non-urgent problems at this consultation.


Home Visit Protocol

Please do not request a home visit if you are well enough to come to the surgery.

Our Clinic at Clare Abbey Primary Health Centre has been awarded a full Disabled Access Certificate, including onsite disabled parking.

The receptionist will ask a few details to allow the doctor to assess the urgency of your call and help the doctor in scheduling the home visit.  You do not have to disclose this information to the receptionist but you may be asked to speak with one of our doctors or nurses.

We do not offer a choice of doctor for home visits.  The doctor will not be able to address other non-urgent problems at this consultation.

No Interruption Policy

Saffron & Blue Medical Clinic operates a strict ‘no interruption’ policy during standard surgery hours. This policy means that, with the exception of a medical emergency, GPs and Nurses do not take routine phone calls whilst they are in consultations with patients. This policy is in place to ensure that the patient receives a focused and uninterrupted consultation when they visit their GP/Nurse.

In the case of an emergency a patient call will be placed through to a doctor. If you feel that you urgently need to speak to a doctor please inform the receptionist as soon as you make contact.  For routine queries your GP or nurse will contact you after their surgery sessions.


Medical Card Use

The Medical Card Scheme entitles current card holders to a wide range of services for which the Department of Health reimburses family doctors.

There are, however, services provided by doctors which are not paid for by the State.   The most usual services requested which are not paid for by the State include:

    • All routine blood tests
    • Blood tests ordered by private consultants
    • Minor Surgery Procedures
    • Driving Test Examinations
    • Travel Vaccinations
    • Form-filling e.g. Passport, Employment, Travel,  School, College  registration  forms.


Sick/Social Welfare Cert Requests

Sick Cert

Patients will be required to see the Doctor prior to receiving a certificate for a new medical illness.  Regular review with your Doctor is required by law for ongoing certification.

Social Welfare Certs

Patients requiring a social welfare certificate must see a GP and/or provide correspondence from another doctor (e.g. discharge letter from hospital) to qualify for the first Social Welfare certificate. You will be requested to provide your PPS number and exact dates for which the Social Welfare certificate is requested. Patients must be absent from work for three or more days before receiving a Social Welfare cert. The first cert (brown coloured cert) covers a period up to one week’s absence from work.